
I had the pleasure to direct some amazing illustrators for Vim & Vigor magazine. The artwork needed to engage the reader while also finding the right tone to go along with topics. After brainstorming with editors and other creatives I would find and book the right illustrator, then talk to them about what I was looking for, often providing sketches or rough layouts to guide them along.

Eyes Meet Prize

A three-part article about the different ways people can achieve their health goals. Illustrations by Studio Warburton.

Planning for Peace of Mind

Article about planning ahead in case of a medical emergency. Illustrations by Sarah Wilkins.

Timing Your Family

Article about factors for women to consider when planning a pregnancy at various ages. Illustrations by Jori Bolton.

What’s Going On In Your Body?

A three-part article about the different issues women may deal with in their lives. Illustrations by Eduardo Fuentes.

You Have Cancer. Now What?

Article about dealing with the next steps when you get cancer. Illustrations by Verónica Grech.

The Real Risks

Article about why we fear things, and why we don’t need to fear them. Illustrations by Shaw Nielsen.